Summer 2024: June 17 – July 26
Fall 2024: August 19 – December 14

​​FREE Community College Application

Your application will be processed in one to two days. An acceptance letter and student iden​tifica​​​tion number will be sent to you by email. ​

​Solicitud GRATUITA del Colegio Comunitario​

Su solicitud será proc​esada en uno o dos días. Se le enviará una carta de aceptación y un número de identificación de estudiante por correo electrónico.​​​​

Need Help or Information?

A dedicated team is here to help you reach your academic goals. We offer a range of college and career planning services. Fill out the form below to let us know how to contact you.​​​

​¿Necesita ayuda o información?​

A dedicated team is here to help you reach your academic goals. We offer a range of college and career planning services. Fill out the form below to let us know how to contact you.​​​

Riverside Community College District

3801 Market Street
Riverside, CA 92501